Do we ever really retire? Once a teacher, always a teacher. How about being shocked seeing sheets of ice, the size of cities, moving out to sea from the Antarctic. Or lakes being formed by melting glaciers in Iceland. How about visiting the Florida Keys and being told they will be under water by the end of the century.
And all the shocks and surprises are not restricted to Climate Change. There is also the pandemic. I remember my grandparents telling me about the Spanish Flu, and how my mother brought it home in 1919 when the silent movies opened. Variants then and variants today.
We must learn from the past. Great events change everything. How many children are born. How we make our living. Companies that die and companies that are born. Undeveloped nations that become giants.
Now you understand why I created @QuirkyForum and So many surprises ahead. And so important to understand how they will impact our lives. Something I learned in Teachers College. Know what you do not know.