Poverty means people living in fear for their future. For farmers it is going to be climate change.
Political: Supporting globalism and reducing income inequality is an impossible political task.
Supporting globalism and reducing income inequality is an impossible political task.
Social: My father worked on a farm in 1928. He said everyone was poor, but no one felt poor.
My father worked on a farm in 1928. He said everyone was poor, but no one felt poor.
Understanding: Eliminating unskilled jobs creates income inequality.
Eliminating unskilled jobs creates income inequality.
Implications: If the incomes of low and medium income citizens decline, economies cannot grow. Sounds like Communism.
If the incomes of low and medium income citizens decline, economies cannot grow. Sounds like Communism.
Adoption or Abortion: Blessed that two mothers did not abort their children. We adopted them. But I can live with a woman’s right to choose.
Blessed that two mothers did not abort their children. We adopted them. But I can live with a woman’s right to choose.
Marriage: Never had a problem with same sex marriage with a gay son. He was born that way.
Never had a problem with same sex marriage with a gay son. He was born that way.
Moral Dilemmas: The important moral dilemmas are faced by families. Not by politicians.
The important moral dilemmas are faced by families. Not by politicians.