A nation facing a double-whammy of grief. An exploding population and a nation suffering from climate change. Flooding, cyclones, massive rainfall and rising oceans. A textbook case for environmental emigration.
India: A nation of 1.38 billion with a population growing by about 15 million a year.
A nation of 1.38 billion with a population growing by about 15 million a year. And within three or four years its population will exceed that of China. Complex, colorful, and an important long-term ally for the West with its young educated English speaking population.
North Africa: It was educational to meet leaders of Mali, Niger, Benin and Chad at a world conference in Ottawa in 1981.
It was educational to meet leaders of Mali, Niger, Benin and Chad at a world conference in Ottawa in 1981. They had all been sponsored by the Government of Canada and were fluent in both French and English. What they had in common were societies living in poverty and with exploding populations.
Nigeria: A nation with an exploding population, Nigeria faces enormous pressures to feed, clothe and house its people.
A nation with an exploding population, Nigeria faces enormous pressures to feed, clothe and house its people. And to makes its problems more difficult, its educated professional class wants to emigrate. Lots of illegal immigrants have found a route to Italy via Libya.