There are energy-intensive industries like cement and steel that put large amounts of CO2 into the air that cannot use an alternative to fossil fuels. The answer is to filter out the CO2 from the smokestacks. It is called carbon capture.
Recycling: Old batteries for raw materials like Lithium, Nickel and Cobalt is the secret to bringing down the costs of batteries for Electric Vehicles.
Recycling old batteries for raw materials like Lithium, Nickel and Cobalt is the secret to bringing down the costs of batteries for Electric Vehicles.
EVs: Demand for EVs will explode when we have low-cost batteries. It’s about better technology, not the environment.
Demand for EVs will explode when we have low-cost batteries. It’s about better technology, not the environment.
Energy Storage: If the world becomes free of fossil fuels, it will be because of energy storage. Something bigger than lithium-ion batteries.
If the world becomes free of fossil fuels, it will be because of energy storage. Something bigger than lithium-ion batteries.
Ocean Currents: Impacting our weather. And climate change is impacting ocean currents. A threat to our future.
Ocean currents impact our weather. And climate change is impacting ocean currents. A threat to our future.
Small Wind: Turbines, like rooftop solar, will provide off grid electricity to the remote and undeveloped areas of the world.
mall wind turbines, like rooftop solar, will provide off grid electricity to the remote and undeveloped areas of the world.
Green Hydrogen: Hydrogen from water rather than natural gas will impact climate change. Green hydrogen is like wind and solar.
roducing hydrogen from water rather than natural gas will impact climate change. Green hydrogen is like wind and solar.
Hemp: Hemp is exciting. Hemp based plastic can replace petroleum plastic. Then there is hemp concrete and cheaper houses.
Hemp is exciting. Hemp based plastic can replace petroleum plastic. Then there is hemp concrete and cheaper houses.