The American political system is run by money. They call them PACs or Political Action Committees.
The Nature of the Beast: Complexity places limits on our political institutions.
Complexity places limits on our political institutions. The world is run by bureaucrats.
EU: The EU is the German Empire. But an economic union run by bureaucrats.
The EU is the German Empire. But an economic union run by bureaucrats.
NAFTA: The Canada-US-Mexico Free Trade Agreement was promoted by President H. W. Bush to reduce illegal Mexican Immigration.
The Canada-US-Mexico Free Trade Agreement was promoted by President H. W. Bush to reduce illegal Mexican Immigration.
BRIC: It was to be Brazil, Russia, India and China that would fuel economic growth.
It was to be Brazil, Russia, India and China that would fuel economic growth. But it is India and China with their skilled work forces.
Nationalism: Pigs butchered on the streets of Hong Kong. Well hidden today. Tourism is the big globalizing influence.
Pigs butchered on the streets of Hong Kong. Well hidden today. Tourism is the big globalizing influence.
Ashkenazi: Our behaviour is a product of both nature and nurture. Genetic testing tells us what we inherited.
Our behaviour is a product of both nature and nurture. Genetic testing tells us what we inherited.
Dolly: Dolly was a sheep born without a daddy. Can cloning bring back the “Woolly Mammoth”?
Dolly was a sheep born without a daddy. Can cloning bring back the “Woolly Mammoth”?