An exciting but dangerous nation. Samba music and high crime rates. 6.3 children per female 60 years ago and 1.7 today. Massive immigration from Portugal, Spain, Germany and Italy in the past. 213.4 million people today and growing by 1.5 million per year. But then into decline after 2050 with a population of only 164 million by 2100.
Thailand: Like so many developed nations of Europe, Thailand is experiencing long-term population decline.
Like so many developed nations of Europe, Thailand is experiencing long-term population decline with the typical pattern of low birthrates and low mortality, yet a reluctance to open its borders to people from the neighbouring countries of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The Issues: During the 1980’s I received several private briefings from the Canadian Government Department of Manpower and Immigration. It was an eye-opener.
During the 1980’s I received several private briefings from the Canadian Government Department of Manpower and Immigration. It was an eye-opener.
Cuba: The substantial Cuban population in Miami that hates the Cuban Communist regime, helps put Florida into the arms of the Republican Party in the USA.
The substantial Cuban population in Miami that hates the Cuban Communist regime, helps put Florida into the arms of the Republican Party in the USA. But it does not prevent major trade, investment and tourism between Canada and Cuba.
South Korea: How leaders handle the pandemic will determine how they fare politically. A monster win for President Moon Jae-in of South Korea.
How leaders handle the pandemic will determine how they fare politically. A monster win for President Moon Jae-in of South Korea.
Greece: Learned from its financial crisis. Listen to its government. Greece is Europe’s leader in controlling the Coronavirus.
Greece learned from its financial crisis. Listen to its government. Greece is Europe’s leader in controlling the Coronavirus.
Taiwan: A disciplined society that has handled the virus well and is showing us life after the pandemic. It is Taiwan, a leader in politics and economics.
A disciplined society that has handled the virus well and is showing us life after the pandemic. It is Taiwan, a leader in politics and economics.
Germany: During the pandemic it is Germany providing the global leadership that we used to get from the United States.
During the pandemic it is Germany providing the global leadership that we used to get from the United States.